The day of my meeting with the home stay family came. We decided to meet at the station. Then the mother would take me by car to her home. In order to be recognized, she told me that she would be wearing a red hat. I told her that I would be wearing a black coat. I thought that being a foreigner with my every day black coat can’t be missed in a small town! However, given I am Muslim, my Japanese mother imagined that “black coat” means “black burqa”, like she saw them on TV!
I was few minutes earlier. I saw her coming with her red hat. I waved to her with my hand but she seems to be so absorbed in her thought (or perhaps worries J) that she didn’t notice me! When I was close enough to her, I called her “いさん, いさん ファドワですよ!!”. Finally she noticed my existence!!
We had a nice chat on our way. She is communicative woman. I immediately felt easiness to speak to her. Upon arriving, she introduced me to her husband and daughters. We talked a lot! Only after deeper acquaintance, my Japanese mother told me that I look normal. “Look normal”? I asked her surprised how she was expecting me to look like. That moment, I knew that my Japanese family had not been well informed that there are different Islamic branches, conservative ones as well as liberal ones. She laughed when I told her that I am sorry to disappoint her since she was expecting a more "exotic" visitor.
I discovered that my Japanese family had borrowed books about Tunisia. They seemed to be studying them. My Japanese mother showed me Bourguiba’s picture and told me: “The book says that he is your hero!” Surprise, surprise, this is exactly the person who is responsible of making me look "normal" to her! To be continued…
hi hi,
I just found your blog today and might i say this is quite interesting! I'm about to be a college freshman and I've always wanted to study abroad in Japan for at least a semester.
Out of curiousity (and sorry if you've answered this question in earlier posts) but do any of you ladies wear hijab?
I do, and I just wanted to know if you think that that has had a significant inmpact in your relations with Japanese people.
I am student in Japan and I wear hijab, and there is no problem to wear hijab with Japaneses. They will not let you feel that you are different from them by wearing islamic clothes. This is really what I like in japan.
So, do not worry!!!
Welcome Ebtissam. I highly recommand you to come to Japan. Living in Japan for some time is an impressive and fruitful.
Hafida, it is nice to hear that Japanese show respect to your Islamic clothes. I am interested to learn about your experience in this matter. Maybe you can write a post about it. I am sure many will be interested to know.
thanks for you're reply, this is great news because I've been hearing alot of rumors about racism in japan. It would be really cool and insightful if you did do a post about your experiences with islamic clothing in Japan.
This is my first tine to visit your blog.very interesting!
I am a muslim girl living in Tokyo for study.
Looking forward for the coming posts.
Hi Kanji-Chan
I visited your blog, very rich, It seems mashaallah that you have a lot of things to write about.
I added your blog to my favorite links.
ようこそ! Welcome to kanji_chan, hope to see more of you here :)
Rather excellent idea
Nice fill someone in on and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you seeking your information.
Good post and this fill someone in on helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you for your information.
Hi, I am a 16 years old Muslimah and I love travelling. So far I've been to Tokyo for a Homestay Programme and Dubai for an International Youth Summit. Even though I am still young, I look forward in adventuring other cultures on my own as a student and discovering Muslims living in Japan is exciting. But the only problem I had when I was in Japan was with the food. How about you guys? ^_^
konnichiwaaa.. i was searching about muslim families in Japan when i found your blog.. my name is Yara and i've been interested in going to Japan since a long time ago.. the thing i wanna maybe teach arabic or english or french there, i'm still looking.. but i wanna go to a muslim japanese family.. i don't wear hijab but i practice my religion and i would like a family on the same page.. if you can suggest websites or know a family that might be interested please tell me.. i don't know where else to look and i would really appreciate it!
Arigato Gozaimasu :)
Essalamualaykum. My name is ain. I'm from malaysia and i'm wearing niqob. I was planning to travel to Japan and I was looking an accomodation at tokyo japan. Mind you share with me if there any place to stay that you know and relevant. Do email me insyaAllah at imuslim.nurulain@gmail.com . Jazakallahu khairan kathir :)
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