First, when I applied, I had to specify in the form my religion. Furthermore, in the same form they asked whether I have restrictions in food. At the beginning, I was not going to mention my preferences in food. I said to myself that I will try to avoid eating food that are suspicious to me and have sweets and cracks in my bag in case I find nothing to eat. Eating sweets and cracks for two days will not kill me, I can bear that. Furthermore, I am going for the cultural and social purposes. Food is not my priority along this home stay experience. But, I changed my mind; I want to enjoy Japanese homemade food!! Therefore, I mentioned that I would greatly appreciate if alcoholic drinks and meat are withdrawn from my meals.
Few days later, I received feedback from the host family. They accepted my application. Moreover, they included a questionnaire: “Do you drink milk?”, “Do you eat cheese?”, “Do you eat raw fish?”, “If we cook a soup with meat than we remove meat, can you eat the soup?”…
Oh!! So many details!! They could compete Ghada and Hafidha in their accurate selections of Halal Japanese products, just joking :) ! I really didn’t want to cause so much disturb! I am kind of person who does not feel comfortable in giving requests to unknown people. Having no choice, I replied to their questionnaire and politely thanked them for their care. To be continued…
Be careful, the above comment is a virus. Hafida, could you please remove it?
Thanks for warning me, I was going to open the link.
Waiting for the next post to know your experience with the Japanese family. Really its wonderful that you experienced the home stay in Japan.
BTW, I like what you said about me and Ghada, Hahaha, ;)
I am planning on going to Japan next fall for university exchange. I've eaten halal all my life, but I know it will be a lot harder to get halal food in Japan. Most likely, I will be staying with a home-stay family. Do most Muslims in Japan eat halal all the time? Even here, in Canada, a lot of my Muslim friends from different cultures than me do not eat halal regularly. What is the ruling? I'm sure there is a difference of opinion? What do you think if I ate non-halal meat but made sure to stay away from pork (and alcohol too of course)?
I have been in Japan since 2004 and elhamdulileh I have eaten only Halal food. My close friends also did the same thing. It is not really hard if you really want to eat halal but if you find some excuses for you, then, eating halal will seem difficult.
Since you are going to stay with a Japanese family, ask them politely if they can cook for you with fish instead of meat. Usually Japanese are kind and if you ask politely, you will get what u want. Another thing, Japaneses use some kinds of wines in a variety of dishes, so be sure to tell them that you cannot eat something containing alcohol. You can find also Halal meat in mosques or you can order it from online shops for halal food in Japan (http://tsumrawomen.blogspot.com/2007/04/list-of-some-online-halal-food-shops-in.html) . Many muslims in Japan order food from these shops, since these shops are in Japan, shipping is not expensive.
In the worst-case scenario, you can always live without eating meat, just fruits and vegetables are enough.
I hope it will be easy for you to find Halal food.
Assalem ou aleikoum
I am a muslim girl from Switzerland I am very glad to hear there are muslims in Japan! ^^
Sorry to ask for it but...does anyone know if there would be japaneese muslims interested in a cultural and linguistic exchange with swiss muslims..? or a muslim japaneese host family ..? Please if you know contact me : rezkidounia2002@yahoo.fr
Thank you very much.
asalamo 3laikom brothers and sisters .I am muslim from Canada I very happy to see people have experience with Japanese people. I m sorry to ask about that but I m looking for Japanese woman for marriage? is there any one help me please sisters and brothers my email is ibnoerrida@outlook.com THANK YOU
asalamo 3laikom brothers and sisters .I am muslim from Canada I very happy to see people have experience with Japanese people. I m sorry to ask about that but I m looking for Japanese woman for marriage? is there any one help me please sisters and brothers my email is ibnoerrida@outlook.com THANK YOU
I am the father of an 11-year old tom-girl runner interested in living with a Japanese family. She speaks and understands French as well as being a native speaker. She has some notions of Moroccan Arabic and has been several summers to Morocco. I worked as an architect in Japan and lived with a grandmotherly lady. It was terrific. Any advice for finding a Muslim japanese family for my daughter? I can be reached at ellisarch@yahoo.com. We are based in Brooklyn.
Asalamu-alaikum, John ELLIS
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